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Working from anywhere

Katie Tew • July 12, 2022

 The increasing popularity of becoming a Digital Nomad

The way we work has changed forever. More people are choosing to live a more nomadic lifestyle, whilst still maintaining a professional career. It used to be that the life of a traveller or backpacker was exclusively for teenagers taking a gap year before university or a 20 something seeking adventures before ‘settling down’ to have a family. Or perhaps the ‘bucket list’ dream trip once a couple has retired.

But now, along with the rise in appeal of living in vans or converted buses, families are also taking the plunge to live on the road, whilst keeping their career going in a virtual/remote capacity. Whether it is running their own company, professional blogging, copywriting, personal coaches, travel writers or virtual assistants, these days there is no end to the type of job you can do whilst exploring your home country or going farther afield to experience new cultures.

Parents are able to expose their children to new languages, cuisines and customs, instilling a sense of curiosity and acceptance from an early age. It is well known that younger children adapt better to situations and will develop more confidence and a wider range of skills, so this can only be beneficial and add to their intellectual and emotional development. Of course, it is important to balance this with children having time to spend with their peers and developing their social skills, along with creating a routine and some stability.

The pandemic has added to the sense that not only is virtual and remote working possible and safe, but has also instilled a ‘seize the day’ mentality to life – with our world ever changing and many uncertainties remaining, it feels important to make the most out of life and to experience as much as possible to give us lifelong memories to look back on.

In 2008 we departed our green and pleasant land for the wilds of central Portugal, renting a farmhouse in the rolling hills between Porto and Lisbon. Our daughter who was only 6 at the time attended the local Portuguese school and we spent 2 very happy years exploring and experiencing life in a difference country. My husband continued to work for a UK corporate and flew backwards and forwards to blighty once a month and I freelanced for various companies, it was an incredible experience for all three of us, bought us closer together as a family, gave me time with my daughter away from the pressures of a full time job, we integrated into a new community and have the most amazing memories. I’ve included a few pictures for you enjoyment!


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